Friday 8 November 2013

Hand & Power Tool Safety


1. All hand and power tools, whether company or employee owned, must be in safe operating condition. (Tools with sprung jaws on adjustable wrenches, mushroomed heads on chisels, etc must be removed from the site.)
2. Power operated tools designed for guards must have these guards in place at all times.
3. Point of operation guards, as required, must be installed and used.
4. Do not hoist electrically operated tools by their cords.
5. Insure proper safety’s are installed for all pneumatic tools
6. Never use compressed air for cleaning.
7. Eye protection must be used at all times.
8. Only authorized and trained personnel may use powder-actuated tools.
9. Power tools must be inspected daily for proper wiring and damage. Only Double Insulated Tools or those equipped with grounding plug may be used on the job, do not hoist by cord.
10. Pneumatic Tools –
       a. Secure to hose or whip by positive means.
       b. Safety clips on pneumatic impact tools.
       c. Pneumatic nailers must have positive safety, contact with work surface.
      d. No cleaning with compressed air unless pressure reduced to less than  30 psi.
      e. Manufacturer’s safe operating pressure.
      f.  No hoisting with hoses.
      g. Safety at pressure source for hoses 1/2” inside diameter or greater.      
          High pressure airless spray guns, trigger safety or diffuser nut. Abrasive blast cleaning nozzles equipped with operating valve must be held open manually. Support provided on which nozzle may be mounted when not in use
11. Fuel powered tools must be turned off when fueling, service, or maintenance.

Powder Activated Tools

•Safety Precautions
–Only trained, authorized personnel
–Use in accordance with operating instructions
–Never point at people
–Never cock tool against your body
–Use stabilizer guard when possible
–Never leave loaded gun unattended. Always unload before cleaning or disassembly
–Appropriate PPE at all times.
–Inspect before use. Do not use malfunctioning or partial tool.
–Arms flexed during use
–Hold perpendicular to work surface and base material when fastening
–Never pry cartridge from magazine strip or tool
•Tool against surface for thirty (30) seconds
•Cartridge not ignited, draw away from surface, pointing away from people
•Continue to use strip, if cartridge still unused, dispose of properly.
–Never re-drive fasteners
–Never fasten through existing holes
–Always keep tool and cartridges locked away in safe container
–Never fasten in explosive or flammable atmosphere
–Always consult application guidelines for charge and fastener sizes
–Never allow anyone to stand behind or below fastening location

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